A Cleaner Slate: The Plan

Do you have NETFLIX? If so, then you’re probably hooked on Marie Kondo’s new show, Tidying Up, by now. The KONMARI method has 5 lessons:

1. Clothing
2. Books
3. Paper
4. Komono
5. Sentimental Items

To keep up with the trend I’ve divided our 2019 Zero Waste Cleaner Slate plan into 12 categories for the twelve months of the year.

January - Planning and Baselining (Click HERE for the details)
February - Refuse: Zero Waste Starter Kit (Click HERE for details)
March - Dry Kitchen Trash (Click HERE for the article)
April - Envirotech Waste Recycling Inc. (Click HERE for the article)
May - Rot: Wet Kitchen Trash and Composting the Bokashi Way
June - Cleaning Product Swaps
July - Bathroom
August - MORE SWAPS and DIYs
September - Reduce the JiRi Method Way (credits to E, for the name MWAH!)
October - Zero Waste Travel
November - Office and School Supplies
December: Zero Waste Holidays

Whew! Just looking at the list is making me very excited!! BUT.. and this is a very ginormous BUT... I must not. This is exactly why i made so many mistakes at my “could have been more successful” first attempt at living a lower waste lifestyle.

I will put what I’ve learned in the last couple of months, add to it as we progress and share. I will document (with pictures) as much as I can.

This will be my landing page where I’ll put all my links leading to anything related to our 2019 Zero Waste Cleaner Slate implementation.


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